Thursday, January 12, 2012



Two points should be kept in mind here. First, we should in the Buddhist context, differentiate between “nihilism” (nāstikavāda: med par lta ba) from “annihilationism” (ucchedavāda: chad par lta ba). Second, two kinds of nihilism have found mentioned in the Yogācārabhūmi (pointed out in Schmithausen 2001: 257–258 (On Three)), namely, (a) a view that denies the moral values and transcendental effect of gift, sacrifice and so on and (b) a view that denies the existence of anything in any regard. The two notions of nihilism maybe based on Schmithausen described as non/pre-Mahāyānic view of nihilism and Mahāyānic view of nihilism (Bodhisattvabhūmi, i.e. Tattvārthapaala). This is important! For Tsong-kha-pa philosophical or ontological nihilism is connected with Epistemological Scepticism and Moral Relativism (Jinpa 2002: 34, 175).

1 comment:

  1. yes, I´m also convinced that this observation is an important factor; far too often this term is "misused"...; thank´s; mikael.
