Saturday, May 11, 2013

Buddhist Noetics

“In philosophy, noetics is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and intellect.” It would be quite legitimate or even useful to perhaps use the term also in Buddhist philosophy, a kind of Buddhist Noetics.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Idealism in the Viṃśatikā and Idealism in the Triṃśikā

It has been pointed out in Schmithausen 1967 (i.e. “Sautrāntika-Voraussetzungen in Viṃśatikā und  Triṃśikā”) that the idealism in Vasubandhu’s Viṃśatikā has not been developed on the basis of the Yogācāra’s concept of the “eightfold complex of mental series” (i.e. rnam shes tshogs brgyad) but on the basis of the Sautrāntika concept of the “one-layered mental series.” Such an idealism developed on the basis of the “one-layered mental series” of the Sautrāntikas can also be found in Dignāga’s Ālambanaparīkṣā and Dharmakīrti’s writings. The idealism in Vasubandhu’s Triṃśikā, however, has been developed on the basis of the Yogācāra’s concept of the eightfold complex of mental series.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Buddhism and Odinism?

Bábu Rájendralál Mitra, “Buddhism and Odinism, their similitude; illustrated by extracts from Professor Holmboe’s memoir on the ‘Traces de buddisme en Norwége.’” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 27 (1), 1859, pp. 46–69.

Can one take the position seriously?