Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Buddhist Yuktiology

I need this word: Yuktiology. It should refer to the study, theory, or, conception of yukti. What is a yukti? There we begin with the problem. As a point of departure, we may begin with the four kinds of yukti. There are several Indian Buddhist sources for this. We have many more Tibetan sources. But my concern here is Rong zom pa’s Yuktiology, which may be described as an “extraordinary or exceptional Yuktiology,” from the point of view of the Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda system of the  “extraordinary or exceptional  Mahāyāna.” For now, we shall contend that the causal efficacy of things, effects’ dependency on their causes, the reality or essentiality of things, and the logicality or rationality of reasons and reasoning may all be called yukti

(1)  reasoning of intrinsic reality,
(2)  reasoning of causal efficacy/affectivity (knowing effect through cause),
(3) reasoning of result’s dependency (knowing cause through effect), and
(4) reasoning that demonstrates the rationality/logicality of reason.

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