I have encountered the legend of
how Pāṇini came to learn Sanskrit
Grammar several times in Tibetan sources (e.g. Co ne’i bstan dkar, p. 179). I will leave to the Sanskritists to
teach us whether the story has its Indian or Indic antecedent. I am, however,
not so much interested in the story as such but rather in its implicit message
of anti-fatalistic attitude or anti-fatalism or anti-determinism (karmic or
otherwise). The story goes like this. Pāṇini wishes to learn Sanskrit grammar and goes to
a palmist to let read his palm. The palmist flatly tells him that he is
destined not to know Sanskrit grammar. He, however, is determined. He takes
a sharp instrument and etches in his palm the palm-lines conducive to grammar
knowledge and goes in search of a grammar teacher. He does not obtain one, and
so invokes Mahādeva until the deity reveals to him and asks: “What do you
wish?” “I wish to know grammar,” he replies. And he just utters “a, i,
u” and lo! He comes to know Sanskrit
grammar. The interesting point here is, on the one hand, the idea of
intervening one’s fate or destiny through one’s sheer will, and on the other
hand, the idea of divine intervention or help. The story reminds me slightly of
the cutting of the “Gordian Knot.” There is nothing
specifically Buddhistic in the story, but I have an impression that also some
Buddhists would perhaps share the idea that one can change the course of one’s
destiny through the sheer force of one’s will. Because karmic mechanism is
defined by volitional impulses, one has the choice to set or upset one’s
volitional impulses and thereby redefine the course of one’s destiny (even
without the help of divine intervention). If one is not born with the right
line of destiny on one’s palm, one corrects it and creates it! But please don’t
try this yourself!
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