Argumentum e silentio “argument from silence”
Argumentum ex silentio “argument from silence”
Argumentum ad antiquitatem “appeal to tradition/antiquity”
Argumentum ad baculum (i.e. argument/apeal to the cudgel/stick)
Argumentum ad captandum (to capturing)
Argumentum ad consequentiam (to the consequence)
Argumentum ad crumenam (to the purse)
Argumentum ad feminam (to the woman)
Argumentum ad hominem (to the person)
Argumentum ad ignorantiam (to ignorance)
Argumentum ad judicium (to judgment)
Argumentum ad lazarum (to poverty)
Argumentum ad logicam (to logic)
Argumentum ad metum (to fear)
Argumentum ad misericordiam (to pity)
Argumentum ad nauseam (to nausea)
Argumentum ad novitatem (to novelty)
Argumentum ad personam (to the character)
Argumentum ad numerum (to the number)
Argumentum ad odium (to spite)
Argumentum ad populum (to the people)
Argumentum ad temperantiam (to moderation)
Argumentum ad verecundiam (to reverence)
Argumentum in terrorem (into terror)
Argumentum e contrario (from/to the opposite)
yes, there are many, many, many argumenta; which argumentum (fostering kind-hearted argumentation in philosophical debate, socio-politcal discussions, etc.) to use in which situation represents skillful means (upayakausalya) - the bodhisattvic "endless" training; lg, mikael.