It has been pointed out in Schmithausen 1967
(i.e. “Sautrāntika-Voraussetzungen in Viṃśatikā und Triṃśikā”) that
the idealism in Vasubandhu’s Viṃśatikā has not been developed
on the basis of the Yogācāra’s concept of the “eightfold complex of mental
series” (i.e. rnam shes tshogs brgyad) but on the basis of
the Sautrāntika concept of the “one-layered mental series.” Such an
idealism developed on the basis of the “one-layered mental series” of
the Sautrāntikas can also be found in Dignāga’s Ālambanaparīkṣā and
Dharmakīrti’s writings. The idealism in Vasubandhu’s Triṃśikā,
however, has been developed on the basis of the Yogācāra’s concept of the
eightfold complex of mental series.
yes, I also think so; "grub mtha/ siddhanta" - explorations are highly beneficial for understanding cognitve apprehension of reality...; we must learn to become cognitively flexible in studying philosophical treatises...; each point has its value when seen from the adequate angle...; bodhicitta-aspiration/resolution represents the secret key for becoming more and more flexible...