Thursday, January 12, 2012

Naive Metaphysical Realism

Naive Metaphysical Realism:

For early Buddhist schools, apparent wholes were analysed into parts and parts were real (Kapstein 2000: 123).

1 comment:

  1. Interesting subtle word construction: The word "apparent wholes" already includes the notion of parts because otherwise there can be no conception of parts - this is implied by inherent-implicit temporality of cognition itself. Hence the analysis of wholes and parts should be recognized as soteriological advice and not as ontological unsolvability (this would be the elegant trap of thinking itself...). The word svabhava (own-being) depends on the aimed philosophical intention and corresponding soteriology guiding to "release (moksa)" or "omniscience (sarvajnata --> margajnata --> sarvakarajnata)".
    "Naive metaphysical realism" symbolizes the innate dynamism of being itself which is mahakaruna (infinite innocence of cognitive friction); the art of living can be to infiltrate mahakaruna (infinite compassion) by karuna (altruisitic motivated aspiration and inclined resolution) in one´s own awareness; buddhahood is cognitive authenticity; mikael.
